ANSO Scholarships for Young Talents 2024 in China


The CAS-TWAS Scholarships in China have been rebranded as ANSO Scholarships, inviting applications from international scholars for the 2024-2025 academic year. The application period is open until February 15, 2024.

Overview of ANSO Scholarship (formerly CAS-TWAS Fellowship):

ANSO Scholarships for Young Talents 2024 in China
ANSO Scholarships for Young Talents 2024 in China

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is a distinguished institution in China, focusing on natural sciences and technological innovations. Teaming up with The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), CAS launched a fellowship program, now known as the ANSO Scholarship, offering 200 scholarships annually for international candidates pursuing doctoral degrees in China.

Recipients can study at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), or various CAS Institutes.

  1. Who Can Apply?

  • Q: Who is the target audience for this opportunity?
    • A: The program is designed for individuals in the science and technology sectors.
  • Q: Are there specific age requirements for applicants?
    • A: Yes, applicants should be no older than 35 years.
  1. Who is Eligible?

  • Q: What nationalities are eligible for this scholarship?
    • A: Candidates must not hold Chinese citizenship; it’s open to international scholars.
  • Q: Are there educational prerequisites for eligibility?
    • A: Yes, applicants must have a Master’s degree before September 1, 2024.
  1. How to Apply?

  • Q: What is the application process like for this scholarship?
    • A: The process involves several steps, including finding a host supervisor, submitting an online application, and providing supporting documents.
  • Q: Can current doctoral students in China apply for this fellowship?
    • A: No, individuals currently enrolled in a doctoral program in China are ineligible.
  1. How Are Candidates Evaluated?

  • Q: What criteria are used to assess applicants during the selection process?
    • A: The eligibility criteria include age limit, nationality, admission requirements, educational qualifications, language proficiency, commitment to return home, and adherence to specific application rules.
  • Q: Is there a selection test, and how does it impact the application?
    • A: Yes, fellowship recipients must pass a qualification test by UCAS or USTC to receive the stipend.
  1. How to Ensure a Successful Application?

  • Q: What documents are required for a complete application?
    • A: Essential documents include a valid passport, CV, copies of degrees, transcripts, research proposal, published papers, language proficiency proof, and a Foreigner Physical Examination form.
  • Q: Are there any specific guidelines for submitting documents?
    • A: Documents must be in Chinese or English, and if in another language, they need to be translated and notarized.
  1. How to Get Additional Information?

  • Q: Where can applicants seek more details or clarification about the application process?
    • A: Prospective applicants can contact specific offices, such as Ms. Xie Yuchen for UCAS applications and Ms. Lin Tian for USTC applications, using the provided contact details.
  • Q: Is there a deadline for applications?
    • A: Yes, the application period is open until February 15, 2024.

Understanding the intricacies of eligibility and the application process is instrumental in presenting a compelling application. Aspiring candidates are encouraged to thoroughly review the provided information and seek any additional clarification they may need to embark on this enriching opportunity.


Sponsorship Benefits:

  1. Travel Expenses: Fully funded one-time airfare to China (80 by TWAS, 120 by CAS), including a $65 visa fee compensation.
  2. Stipend: Monthly stipend between RMB 7000 and RMB 8000, covering accommodation, living expenses, travel within China, and health insurance.
  3. Qualification Test: Fellowship recipients must pass a qualification test by UCAS or USTC to receive the stipend.
  4. Fee Waiver: Waiver of application and tuition fees.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age Limit: Below 35 years.
  • Nationality: Non-Chinese.
  • Admission Requirements: Meet admission criteria of USTC or UCAS.
  • Educational Qualification: Master’s degree before September 1, 2024.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Chinese or English.
  • Commitment to Return Home: Intention to return after studies.
  • No Additional Assignments: Exclusive dedication to the scholarship.
  • Existing Doctoral Students: Ineligible if currently enrolled in a Chinese doctoral program.
  • Single Application Rule: Cannot apply to both USTC and UCAS simultaneously.
  • One Supervisor Policy: Apply to only one supervisor at USTC or UCAS.

Document Requirements:

  • Updated CV.
  • Passport
  • Copies of original degrees.
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
  • Research proposal.
  • Title page and abstract of up to five published papers.
  • Proof of language proficiency (English or Chinese).
  • Foreigner Physical Examination form.
  • Two letters of recommendation.

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Application Process:

  1. Confirm eligibility.
  2. Find a host supervisor.
  3. Apply online (different forms for USTC and UCAS).
  4. Submit required documents online.
  5. Track application status.
  6. Resubmit if necessary.

Where & When to Apply:

For UCAS applications:

For USTC applications:

Deadline: February 15, 2024.


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